8-00 Old Coast Guard Radio Station NMF
Here are a few recent shots of the Coast Guard Radio Station which has a rich history indeed. Radio Station 'NMF' filled a major roll in Maritime Communications safety of life at sea operations.
It now belongs to the town and its future use is as yet undecided.
Here is the main operations building with a large windowless building
attached to the rear.
is a 2 bay garage/workshop with overhead spaces
is remnants of the wire antenna support utility poles out in the marsh where the
directional array pointed across the Atlantic to northern Europe. I worked this
telegraph station often from the Sealand Galloway on the Rotterdam and
Bremerhaven route. It was staffed by the crack Coast Guard troops of the day.
More info is on the way.
Dave Riley - AA1A - 'Sparkasaurus' in
Radio Free Marshfield...
Visit the Coast Guard Radio Station Web
site for more info.....
Inputs to Smokeycheeseman@aol.com appreciated...
Here are some feedback e-mails:
Hi Dave: I just got the letter of
the old Radio Station Boston NMF I was stationed there and worked
the CG, 500, HF AMVER you name it. George Manning, Al Krouser, Bob
Flynn and myself are old retired Chiefs that were stationed there and we
still communicate by E Mail. I still have an HF receiver but alas
I'm hard pressed to find any CW left on it. George has probably told
you, we belong to Ex Coast Guard CW operators organization and we keep in
touch almost on a daily basis. Many of the operators used to be
stationed at NMF in between our sea duty off and on. We four chiefs were
stationed there before they added that extra room on the operations building.
We didn't need the extra room back then, just a transmitter, couple of
receivers and a key/bug and we were in business. I don't recognize the
second building. Possibly made over from the 4 bay garage we had when we
were there. It sure would be nice to restore the Operations Building back
to when we knew it but I guess the transmitters, receivers and positions
have long been scrapped. Many thanks for making me recall some of
the good times.
Dave,.. fb job on the NMF page ...... about 27 years ago we went in there for a CW test .... we had joined the CG reserve ...as a radio op 2nd class ... we were just about 40 years old... they were desperate for radio ops ...and would take you on even at that age ..... to say the least !! .. we spent two weeks on the CG Cutter Reliance out of Yorktown on drug interdiction .. as a radio op.... did one SAR during that time ........but it was short lived ... we were supposed to be a radio op at NMF but the powers in Boston drafted me to their organization ...to do all sorts of other things ... like first aid training ... etc .. ... we said no to that ... and quit ... you could do that ... it was "Try it .. you will like it" .... we did not ... and out ... lasted about 3 months ..... we were doing it to get the retirement benefits which were 3/4 of a full timer at age 65 ... !! so the web page brought back some memories ...... monitoring 500 .. etc
.. 73 Bob K1VV-W1AA-W1BB
* looks like the bureau lost another crack troop...ed..
8-00 Marshfield Earliest Town
Hall ???
Here is a discovery that possibly goes way back to our early town government. The building is located behind the BridgeWaye Inn @ Humarock and is said to be the first Marshfield Town Hall. We will try to gather more information on this site and make a page on www.radiocom.net/History
Thanks to Phil Shannon for the find.
The building was owned by George Dugan who had changed out the door and windows. Bob Cheeseman is gathering facts about the place as to it's original site location and history.
The pix on the left was taken through the fence at the BridgeWay Inn
The next two are from in back of the B'Way going up towards Preston Terrace
Inputs to Smokeycheeseman@aol.com appreciated...