Meet 'Daisy' from the town hall,
who is busy collating the sea of paperwork that was recently generated because
of the local senior's poll, taken in consequence of a supposed recent
attempt of the 'meeks' to slip a non-government issue before the rate payers,
attain benefit from those least able to afford same, and to generally end up
with a monument to themselves and used by relatively few......
seems the 'meeks' had nothing to do with the latest attempt @ tax tagging upon
the public and further investigation did reveal that is was the 'termites' who
took it upon themselves to mold a plan that has been equated to the 'Golden Cow'
of ancient times.
Indeed the 'meeks' have been exonerated and NO complicity on their behalf within this scheme has been shown.
After spending her own time and some expense on this boondoggle attempt,
Daisy has found that the seniors who are most in need, do not require a temple
to themselves but instead a much more basic and down to earth
1. Senior communication networking and mutual support.
2. Interactive involvement within the community.
3. A desire to stay active and play a roll in town activities.
4. Possible use of their life long experiences and expertise.
They can sometimes use a ride to the doctor, a telephone conversation, special
help as needed and generally desire to be mobile, in touch, and wanted... Please
don't send these folks off to 'Coventry'...
An interim panel was quickly assembled to discuss these and other issues with the following points as presented on a white paper and distributed to the rate payers.
To generate and encourage a group called the ' Extra Class ' consisting of
seniors who would voluntarily meet as a ( class ) within the schools on a daily
basis for such activities as:
Teachers Aid help, Interpersonal involvement with the school kids, enjoymentof
the school lunch program, have use of the auditoriums, music rooms, libraries,
study halls, sports facilities, present valuable lessons in a classroom
atmosphere of their individual expertise and life's experience, act as mentors
and friends to the youngsters.
( A first class swimming pool could also be shared near the gym )
It is felt that our seniors should not be closeted away in a 'castle' which by
the way payment for will certainly add stress to the already overtaxed families
in town as this charity would be extended by the government as a result of a
confiscatory tax and not an action from the hearts of the locally generous..
Socialism has NO heart, WE do!! Further that this project should be done by
individuals in cases like as churches, benevolent, service, fraternal, and
'silent' organizations who have done much good and to very high success in the
past. We are not a Socialist Society who take our being from the State,
but are a Social Society with obligations to each other. We feel that the
seniors have a lot to give and are worthy of our respect and our thanks for
carrying their years and giving us this great country.
It is also felt that the 'attitude' towards seniors could otherwise grow to be
most contentious and that division between the ages would increase as a result
of the socialist plan and multi million dollar cost. ( est. 8 million when you
look @ the undercarriage ) We refer to a system called 'Granny Dumping'
which has seen steady rise in retirement communities and is an alarming trend.
Don't let us drive the wedge any deeper.
We therefore recommend that an infrastructure and accomodation of our
seniors be put forth at once to affect the most civil good and to keep our
seniors on a human being footing with the rest of the community to the end that
they are physically, mentally and Spiritually healthier in the long haul. For
the isolationists, we could offer the use of the Webster Estate, Coast Guard
Radio Station, various private halls, and to take themselves OFF the taxpayer
The town's several Churches, Ladies Benevolent Societies, Knights of Columbus,
Masons, Kiwanis, Moose, Elks, Eastern Star, Rebeccas, Odd Fellows, and MANY
'quiet' service organizations still have seats available on both sides of the
Since the money changers have started their own church ( on us ) there exists some apathy, miss-aligned spirits and a general malaise... This too will pass as we say, " get your dingy digits off our denim... Be part of the Supply, not part of the Load....."
The pictures were plagiarized from the book: "MOTHER" by Judy Olausen
Next Broadcast, Zero dark thirty
Chief Mugwump Local-2 8-12 watch...
* You may already know that the world's FIRST radio
broadcast was made from right here in Marshfield, Mass. in 1906. We also
have a neighbor named Jerry Williams who started the ball rolling in our time as
a radio talk show host and made a profound difference on how some of us look at
things.. Special wellness wishes to Jerry..
Also, don't forget Jim Cipullo on Monday eves local telly ch.-13 @7pm and George
Shaw on Thursdays @ 8pm. They always have interesting people on who are
part of our lives.
Call in @ 837-4384, tell them how you feel...
Now, YOU the people can do the same right here..
This is a happening media, get YOUR word out, tell it like it is. The fact that
WE have heard nothing of the Seniors Centaur Promotional Society or the Failed
School System belies the fact that THEY feel NO need to communicate with
C'mon, lets see your 'broadcasts'....
remember: OUR HERITAGE pls send comments, suggestions and info to:
Thank You