In 1943 U.S. Coast Guard Radio Station came to Marshfield, Mass. The rest is history and here is some of it....
<<Click for full view...
Authentic NMF chiefs who manned the station in Marshfield,Mass.
left to right
Bob Flynn, W1NMF, RMCS, retired... 1967...
James 'Jiggsy' Donahue, W1MPC, RMC retired, the Coast Guard's 'Ancient
Communicator' who retired in 1957...
George Manning, K1CG, RMCM retired... 1972...
Donahue - RMC, USCG, Ret. - W1MPC - Officer in Charge...
Sorry to report that James 'Jiggsy' Donahue, W1MPC passed the bar to the
Chapter Eternal on Saturday 31-Jul-2004...
He was an inspiration to all and will be missed....
Chief Donahue was stationed with NMF back when it was located in Winthrop. Mass and
later, Truro on Cape Cod...
- RMCM, USCG, Ret. -
K1CG - Chief Watch stander
Bob Flynn -
Ret. - W1NMF - RM In Charge
Mac McClendon - RMC,
USCG, Ret. - Liberty Section Chief SK
Tyler Burdick - RM -
WT4B - Watchstander
Jim Allen - RM - WT4R - Watchstander
Ed McCarthy
- RM - W1YT - Watchstander
Frank Warren Sr. - RMCS (RET) - AB5WJ -
Bob Doherty
- RMC, USCGR, - K1VV - Watchstander
Dave Riley
- ATC - USCG Radio Officer - AA1A /NMF - ET Watch
Coast Guard
Amateur Radio Network
BOSTON Write-up
And a 'Real' Coastie Page or three...
Fred's Place Jacks
Joint LightShip
Heck, Why not
include Stonehorse and Nantucket
As for NMF......
The Coast Guard's role in communications developed during the Prohibition era
when a need was established for communications to deal with smugglers. Initially, the Coast Guard used commercial and
Naval stations. The first Coast Guard Radio Station in New England went on the air from Nahant, Massachusetts on 6 October 1926 using the call sign
In 1930, the Coast Guard was granted permission to erect a radio station to replace Nahant at Fort Heath, Winthrop, Massachusetts. It's opening in November of 1931 marked the first use of the now famous call sign "NMF". The station at Winthrop was closed experimentally from 1 September 1934 until 17 September 1936 and an attempt was made to pass all Coast Guard messages through Navy facilities. The experiment clearly indicated a need for the Coast Guard to provide it's own radio facilities. The Winthrop station was reestablished and remained on the air until 1939 when it was moved to North Truro, Massachusetts. "NMF" moved to Marshfield, Massachusetts in April 1943. Situated on sixty-five acres on what was once known as the Hunt Estate, The property was purchased by the Coast Guard in 1942. The 1911 home, known as "The Mansion" located on South River Street was converted to office, barracks and messing facilities and the Coast Guard built an operations building, vehicle garage, several small detached transmitter buildings and
a complex antenna array system. In time, NMF outgrew it's original Marshfield quarters. In 1975, a new Operations building to house the Receiver Site was built on the Marshfield grounds and all of the transmitters were moved to a 542 acre former Air Force site on Otis Air National Guard Base on Cape Cod. This major upgrading program was completed and the new Communications Station Boston/NMF was dedicated on 2 June 1975 Communication Station Boston/NMF
processed over 30,000 radio messages each month. When serving as the International Ice Patrol radio station, the international call sign "NIK" is also used by Communication Station Boston, Communication Station Boston provides long range ship-shore and air-ground communications for Coast Guard cutters and aircraft in the Arctic, North Atlantic and Caribbean areas, using
radioteletype, voice and Morse Code transmissions. In addition to maintaining a continuous watch for radio distress calls, NMF
broadcast marine weather forecasts, notice to mariners, storm warnings, iceberg locations, and
received position reports from merchant ships participating in the Coast Guard's AMVER system. Mariners of all kinds depended upon Coast Guard communications and
relied with confidence on the services provided by NMF with its longstanding motto, "No Call Unanswered".
At the time the above was written, NMF had a compliment of 2 Officers and 39 Enlisted personnel. Also, according to
info that was picked up from other sources, "NCP" was manned by four radiomen with a Chief Petty Officer in Charge. It was equipped with a T-1A transmitter and a CGR-1A receiver. NMF was
decommissioned in early 1998 however, the Otis transmitter site was retained and
is run remote from the CG Area Master (CAMS) located at Chesapeake, Va. The call sign of NMF is still used; to my knowledge, even though it is controlled from
73's George/K1CG
Here is the main operations building with a large windowless building
attached to the rear.
is a 2 bay garage/workshop with overhead spaces
are the remnants of the wire antenna support utility poles out in the marsh where the
receiving array grabbed signals from across the Atlantic to northern Europe. I worked this
telegraph station often from the Sealand Galloway, KHLX, on the Rotterdam and
Bremerhaven route. NMF was staffed by the crack Coast Guard troops of the day.
More info is on the way.
Dave Riley - AA1A - 'Sparkasaurus' in
Radio Free Marshfield...
Here are some feedback e-mails @ 'The Western Tower:
Hi Dave: I just got the letter of
the old Radio Station Boston NMF I was stationed there and worked
the CG, 500, HF AMVER you name it. George Manning, Al Krouser, Bob
Flynn and myself are old retired Chiefs that were stationed there and we
still communicate by E Mail. I still have an HF receiver but alas
I'm hard pressed to find any CW left on it. George has probably told
you, we belong to Ex Coast Guard CW operators organization and we keep in
touch almost on a daily basis. Many of the operators used to be
stationed at NMF in between our sea duty off and on. We four chiefs were
stationed there before they added that extra room on the operations building.
We didn't need the extra room back then, just a transmitter, couple of
receivers and a key/bug and we were in business. I don't recognize the
second building. Possibly made over from the 4 bay garage we had when we
were there. It sure would be nice to restore the Operations Building back
to when we knew it but I guess the transmitters, receivers and positions
have long been scrapped. Many thanks for making me recall some of
the good times.
Dave,.. fb job on the NMF page ...... about 27 years ago we went in there for a CW test .... we had joined the CG reserve a radio op 2nd class ... we were just about 40 years old... they were desperate for radio ops ...and would take you on even at that age ..... to say the least !! .. we spent two weeks on the CG Cutter Reliance out of Yorktown on drug interdiction .. as a radio op.... did one SAR during that time ........but it was short lived ... we were supposed to be a radio op at NMF but the powers in Boston drafted me to their organization do all sorts of other things ... like first aid training ... etc .. ... we said no to that ... and quit ... you could do that ... it was "Try it .. you will like it" .... we did not ... and out ... lasted about 3 months ..... we were doing it to get the retirement benefits which were 3/4 of a full timer at age 65 ... !! so the web page brought back some memories ...... monitoring 500 .. etc
.. 73 Bob K1VV-W1AA-W1BB
* looks like the bureau lost another crack
Here are some e-mail feedbacks from a letter sent out on 2-June-01
Pls pass to as many as you feel would be interested.
Coasties, Hams, former R/Os and all interested parties...
The U.S. Coast Guard Radio Station,
NMF, Marshfield, Mass. was recently closed and has passed into the care of the
Town of Marshfield. Its use will be discussed this Monday eve at the Board of
Selectmen meeting. It is hoped that as many interested parties will respond and
see to it that we keep our heritage by securing some space within the property
to set up an Amateur Radio Station, Museum items, records and archives and
whatever volunteer efforts will yield. I
plan to make notice to the board that the 'Friends of ComSta Boston' will be
interested in setting up shop at the retired station with Radio Communncations
equipment that will be operating and available to the public at NO expense to
the town. Since this is an idea expressed to me only yesterday,
I would like to have a show of hands from anyone interested in this project.
We have a small web page @
and we intend build it up.
steering, ideas, support and participation by as many who may be interested will
be the indication that WE are headed in the right direction... Our
Radio history in this town is all but forgotten. In 1906 Reg Fessenden made the
worlds FIRST radio broadcast and produced 500 invention. AT&T long lines
operated station WOU nearby as a High Seas RadioTelephone facility until recent
years. Coast Guard ComSta Boston, NMF did yeoman service until recently and I
think it is our responsibility to keep these events in the public eye.
Thanks for your support,
Dave Riley, AA1A, NMF, retired Master Radio Electronics Officer
I just read your post on the Marshfield Net. and also your link to the Web
page. Real nice!
I also think it would be good to have some history about the CG station
remain there.
I also remember when the big house at the top of the hill was used as part
of the operation. That was the "home" for all, or most of those
stationed there. ( They sure knew how to put out the Grub)
Guess there isn't the interest anymore in the History of the town: too bad!!
Later, "ME"
Hi Dave,
Count me in. Sorry I can't be there, I'm in New Jersey.
Please tell them I have family in the Brant Rock section of Marshfield and visit
at least five times every year. I would appreciate them saving and preserving
the old station.
And you can count on coverage in QST magazine, in my Old Radio
column as soon as there is something positive happening regarding a Ham Station
and a Radio Museum.
73' John Dilks, K2TQN
Columnist QST Magazine, Old Radio Column
125 Warf Road
Egg Harbor Twp., NJ 08234-8501
I am an old NMF'er. Went there as a SA and struck for RM. Left as a RM3 and Mary, my wife, is from Marshfield.
You have my permission to post any notice you wish on our Bulletin Board. I know of many old NMF'ers that are members of Fred's
Place. Hopefully someone with experience will come forward.
Good luck. Fred
You have a great idea, hope the town will go for it. All my best wishes for a
positive meeting tomorrow nite.
You won't have any problem getting ham gear donations for a station and museum.
73's Dick K4EIH
Email from:
Dick Robinson
1006 S Culpeper RD.
Sterling, VA. 20164
Noted your efforts in a message on the Boatanchor list.
The Fort MacArthur Museum has had considerable experience with historic
Hopefully, your local government is not as hostile to preservation as is the
city of Los Angeles, but our efforts to preserve an area that includes WWI,
WWII, historic resources (Including a former Minor Relay ACAN radio station) and
a Cold War Era Nike missile site may be of some help.
1. Get your local regional and state historic societies involved.
2. List your site on every historic register you can.
3. Since this is a former Coast Guard site, the Federal Historic
Preservation Act comes into play, specifically section 106.
4. If you can get the site listed on the National Register, it will
automatically get listed on your state register and be eligible for
preservation funds.
Listing a site is a big job, it took us a year to document the Nike Site, but
your local and state historic preservation offices can help.
There are a lot of forms to fill out, photographs to take, and historic
resources to be put into various bureaucratic pigeon holes.
Unfortunately, the site can be demolished while you are trying to get the job
done, although political pressure can slow them down, the preservation laws are
very weak, and are designed so that YOU have to go to court and defend the site.
Government owned properties cannot be refused National Register status,
privately owned property owners can refuse to cooperate.
Although operating the radio station is a lot more fun, you may have to become
historic preservation experts to keep the place from being demolished.
Just my two cents worth.
Sam Stokes
Fort MacArthur Museum Association
San Pedro, CA
I strongly endorse saving our radio history. put his in your file of concerned
hams who want our heritage saved take care
Mike Dormann, Chief Scientist
I live in West Central Florida. I am a new tech working on my General Class.
I place my vote to keep it an Operating Station. I am assigned in my Radio Club
(Sun City Center Radio Club) to monitor 2 meters in the times of bad weather or
other emergencies. The value of that station being on the air when a bad storm
bounces off Florida and crawls on up the coast can't be measured in monitory
Don't believe me! Ask anyone in the Carolinas.
73 and good luck,
Virgil Gibbs
Sun City Center Florida
Dave, you have my heart-felt support. I got
this call at the ripe old age of
12, and just turned 62 last month, as a matter of fact, last week...
there is a show of hands, count me in. If there are any other ways I can
help other than financially (retired now), let me know...
73 de
George, W4BUW
Hi Dave,
Hope you can pick up the NMF transmitter site as well as receiving for a super
ham station. Did the CG take away all of their antennas?
Still hope that FCC will open up 136-137 kc for ham use.
Thanks for msg about GBR...I use to copy time signals all the way to Capetown (ZSC)
and during the war some "BAMS" traffic there. The BAMS
(Broadcast to Allied Merchant Ships) were similar to Navy FOX and beyond 40 W we
had to switch from NSS to various UK stations.
73 and best to the XYL
Hi Dave,
Long time no see. I understand you're trying to maintain some
radio presence at old NMF. Considering the radio history that has been
made in Marshfield, with not a lot of physical results or reminders to show for
it, that seems a most reasonable goal. Having the memorial to Fessenden's
Brant Rock station on private land hasn't worked out very well, from the
standpoint either of preservation or of public access. Perhaps that can be
combined with any future plans for the NMF site and facilities.
Such as it is, from 30 miles away, you have my support.
73, Alan
Hi Dave
Have just read the mail re the closure of this site, you must not let this
Here in the U.K. we have lost most of our Maritime heritage, and like closures
of wartime Airfields, usually sold off for building land, (I believe you guys
call it real estate!) these things are quickly becoming a thing of the past,
Full support to your idea from one interested ham from the U.K.
Very best wishes, and best of luck
Stuart J McKinnon
Events Co-ordinator VMARS Vintage & Military Amateur Radio Society
Hi Dave,
I'm not sure what I can do from the Houston, TX area, but you have my full support in your attempt to salvage the U.S. Coast Guard Radio Station, NMF, Marshfield, Mass.
Hi Dave,
I can't imagine why anyone would want to scrap this facility, if some use could
be found for it, and the idea of a museum, etc. is excellent.
Selectmen/women are very practical people, and I expect they will want to know
how they can justify the expenses of maintaining such a place, so if you can
show them it is financially feasible, they will be much more willing to consider
it. Such has been my experience, and they do have a point.
Best of luck, and keep everyone informed about progress.
David Edsall, W1TDD
Amherst MA
Dear Dave:
I was CC'd on traffic to your old-time radio net from my elmer, Chris AJ1G, re:
trying to do something to save the NMF heritage. Chris knew I was involved with
NMF, if only to write an article for the First District magazine, "First
Word," when NMF sent its last CW message some years ago.
Although I was a civilian working in Public Affairs, my ham experience naturally
made me interested in the event.
I am reasonably certain I retain a paper copy of the First Word article, and
will look for same if you are interested. Pse advise on this circuit.
An old RM friend played a principal role in one of the more dramatic
incidents of the Vietnam War, single-handedly keeping contact --- in CW
exclusively --- with a Cambodian freighter which had had a mutiny aboard. He was
an RM (first, I think, as in E-6) on CGC YAKUTAT at the time. When I knew him he
was an O-3, at which he retired. Last I heard, he was a dispatcher hereabouts.
He'd certainly know about NMF.
Another source would be the guy who runs the Lifesaving Museum on Nantucket.
Can't remember his name, but he's a veteran of CGC CAMPBELL (or SPENCER?) from
the "Bloody Winter" (talk about VETS!).
I still have a couple of contacts, both civilians who work in Fishing Vessel
Safety. They can, at least, give me intel on who the PAO (Public Affairs
Officer) is, and whether said PAO will play ball. Sometimes they do, sometimes
they don't.
Hope this helps.
de KM1G
Thanks for the reply, this is very interesting. I sure hope
Dave can make some headway. I sent his message to every old radio group I
belong to. I even asked my Daughter to try to make the meeting on Monday,
and I hope she does. If I had the time I would drive up there, but this
week is not possible.
I mentioned the Tune Up date in QST again, July issue - comes out
in June. I'm planning to attend and to enter the transmitter contest,
maybe both categories. Thanks for doing it, I think it will be popular.
If I have room, I'll also bring my Hallicrafters S-1 for display.
Dear Dave,
I have heard about your efforts to save the Coast Guard radio station. I would
certainly encourage you to continue these efforts. This is a part of our
national heritage just as much as historic homes or public buildings.
Preserving such things for future generations is important. With thousands of
antique radio collectors in this country and even more ham operators potentially
interested in seeing this historic station, were it to be saved, it could be a
significant tourist attraction for your town, that would attract many visitors
to the area each year. Good luck in your efforts!
Brian Belanger
Curator, Radio-Television Museum
Bowie, MD
There is a successful venture on the West coast doing the same thing with saving
old Maritime radio KPH near SF, CA. They have procured the buildings and
are restoring the equipment and are operating periodically as K6KPH to gather
You may want to contact the gang at KPH to see how they got the support needed,
how they made their presentation to the owners, obtained funding, etc. etc.
Dick Dillman, W6AWO, is one contact that I'm aware of.
I'm not sure if the AWA Museum can be of any direct assistance or not, but
please ask if you need something specific.
Warm regards and best of luck with your project.
Ed Gable k2mp/w2an
A.W.A. Electronic Communication Museum
187 Lighthouse Rd
Hilton, NY 14468
(716) 392-3088
Hi there,
Great Idea to keep the station going and also a museum. I have some old
equipment that my dad had if you would like. Would have to round it up and
see exactly what it is. Might be good for display.
Let me know
John, CE retired
Very impressive to see history move around the world as fast as this about our
Town of Marshfield and the old Coast Guard Radio Station.
As a tax payer of this town you have my vote for having this space at this town
owned property for the old time radio operators, as well a good tool for
educational use of our towns youth.
Robert F. Cheeseman
PO Box 27
Marshfield, MA 02050-4557
(781) 837-3709
Hey Dave.
Great idea. As a former ETN, I think
that the stations should be open and utilized by the Guard.If there is living
space at the station, volunteers could have the use of the facilities for the
time that they are on "duty".I'm sure the wives would like the idea,
also as they would get something out of it too. I would like to see this happen
at the closed lighthouses also. Let us know how you make out.
Bill Power
Barre, Ma
Hey Dave,
Sounds like a good plan. How do you plan to go before the Town with all
Would the opposition be similar to the fiasco Fessenden had years
Strange things pop out of the
woodwork…no relatives?
Count me in. Might be an interesting project.
Interesting site on NMF. Back in the late 60's there was a CG Chief named Brown
who lived here in town and I used to talk to him a lot on 2m. I also kept in
touch with him as he traveled on the Eagle during summer training cruises,
mainly to S. America. He brought me down there to the operating room at NMF at
one time when things were in full swing, 3 or 4 cw operators and one chief as a
supervisor. It was an interesting and informative visit. I also had a chance to
visit with him on the Escanaba, a cutter stationed in Boston at that time.
Dave ... GL with NMF ... it should be preserved ... my comments must be from some time ago ... more close to 39 years now ....
Have you thought about a Club Vanity call...??
You certainly would want to preserve the " NMF " call...
We looked up ... K1NMF and W1NMF ....
BOTH of them are available from the vanity call pool !!!!!!
look at .
We finally got a web page up for W2SUB ...
Our first try at a web page ...
We tried to make it look like " WW II " ...
Gray steel bulkhead background .. B & W photos ...
Still kinda rough ... we have a few things to fix ...
This is still a struggle for us ...
ANOTHER THING to learn ...
We may get a chance to go to New Bedford today and get the glass tubing .
We will let you know how we make out ...
Expect the kite and line this week .. we will let you know ...
73 " V "
Good evening Dave,
I am writing to support your effort to save and preserve Coast Guard Station NMF.
I live in Aloha, Oregon, and do not even live very near our beautiful Oregon
coast, but I can appreciate the beauty and function of your Coast Guard
Station. Out here, we have lighthouses that have been preserved and
operated. I collect military surplus communication receivers and other
communications receivers; I am not a ham. Some evening, I would hope to
listen to some broadcasts from NMF; so that is why I support preserving it and
operating it for public benefit. I am also a US taxpayer. Good luck
in your efforts, and keep our BA List members advised of your efforts.
Regards from Aloha, Oregon,
Here is some info for you.
Sea Rivers Association (Ministers Hill) 100 acres from So. River St to the
Rexham Beach Ocean. Part of this land later on would become the town beach.
Sea Rivers Association - named was changed in 1973 to Sea Rivers Trust.
Coast Guard Station established Ferry St & So River St. (sold) in 1976 To a
Private Builder for a home. 1999 town is given the property, except the Tower
(only) and is still going to be operated by the Coast Guard in Boston.
Coast Guard Tower was built (So River St)
Robert F. Cheeseman
PO Box 27
Marshfield, MA 02050-4557
(781) 837-3709
Dear Dave,
I was stationed at RadSta Bsn for a
few years before I went on the Fire Department. I think your idea is great
and I would like to help out in any way I can.
Roy McNamee
My hand's up. Would like to be one of the "friends". I think you've got a good thing going there. Best of luck to you. Never know what might come of it. Be nice to see some of the youngsters get involved. They would probably be surprised that all this "new" technology has actually been around for quite some time.
See ya later...
George Manning just sent me an e-mail about NMF . I was there as a new radio operator in 1952 and back as a more experienced operator later in the 50's. What happened to the Mansion that we used as a barracks. I still have a picture of that somewhere. Whatever has to happen to keep the thought of NMF and all the great people who operated it has to be done..
Frank Warren Sr RMCS (RET) / AB5WJ
Yesterday, Jiggsie Donovan, RMC, W1MPC, from the Cape, came up on
the Plymouth Repeater with George and we listened carefully as Jiggs who retired
from the Coast Guard in 1957 told us of the Truro and Nahant days and the
situations leading up to NMF Marshfield...
de AA1A
Hello George,
Would you please fill in some blank spots for me regarding NMF. Where is
ship-shore support facility now? Maybe everything is via satillite, ergo,
major facility is required. We worked for several years to eliminate each
individual district support facility - has the wheel turned and we are now
back to square one? What is the status of the Cape Cod transmitter facility?
Maybe it has served it's purpose and is also retired.
Have you fellows given any thought to contacting the National Historical
Society in an effort to promote your idea? They certainly have jumped on
abandoned lighthouses - like moving Cape Hatteras (sp?) a few hundred yards
at the cost of several million.
I will be on the road in a few weeks and out of touch. I will let you know
when I shut down and when I return. Ted
Hi Ted,
NMF was decomissioned in early 1998 however, the Otis transmitter site was retained and remoted to the CG Area Master
(CAMS) located at Chesapeake, Va. The call sign of NMF is still used; to my knowledge, even though it is controlled from
NMN/Chesapeake. Haven't kept up with CG communications since retiring in 1969 but did have the pleasure of going aboard
a Cutter in Boston and from what I could tell they do everything via satellite. Some of the Radiomen didn't know Morse code!
It's a whole new ball game!
With respect to the National Historic Society, I don't know. Lighthouses are something different, people are always
taking pictures and painting of them. Dave what do you think? FYI Capt Gannaway USCG(ret) was the Chief of Comms for the First CG Dist when I retired.
My Best,
I am an ex-RM3 and served at NMF. I live in Norton, MA. Please count me in
to help set up a museum, etc. at the old site.
I also have an NMF Web site
Jay Schmidt
Good morning,
I recently saw your post on Fred's Place regarding the future of the now closed
Commsta Boston. I am the unit historian for CAMSLANT in Chesapeake, VA and
having been working on a station scrapbook for some time now. During my
research I discovered that we have some photos of NMF that appear to have been
taken during the 1960's (????). When your project gets off the ground and
you begin looking for old archives to add to your displays, please let me
know...I do not think that the current command would be willing to give up the
original photos, but copies could easily be made.
I will be leaving CAMSLANT on July 11 and transferring to MSO hampton Roads in
Norfolk, VA. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or
interest in theses photos. The history of USCG communications is largely
unwritten and I am willing to help anyone else who is trying to tell our story.
TC1 D. Conley
David W. Conley
Hi, Dave...Was just reading the latest flier from COMM ONE, CW Ops Assoc...and the article about 'ol NMF and it brought back some memories of my duties aboard the CGC Acushnet, based in Portland about '47 or so. Also, my time at NMF34, the 1-man A3 operation on the Cape. When I was on the CGC Spar, I used to hear NMF34 barreling-in on 2704kc I think it was...never dreaming I wud some day be at that
mic... lotsa' fun though. Used to call NMF with the Wx every-so-often etc. On the Acushnet, used to work NMF all the time on 2670 kc.and 2672 kc...When I was graduating from radio op school in Groton in '47 out of our class of about 25-30 guys, I was the only one who was assigned directly to a cutter; all the others were sent to shore-stations, or some type of land-based installation. Couldn't figure that out. Maybe because it was because I was Nr1 in the code proficiency final
exam.. I don't know. But I wound up on the Acushnet in Portland, then on the Spar, then on the Cactus, Wx stations 'C' and 'H' (NMMC and NMMH) Ice patrol in Baffin Bay, (NIDK) aboard cutters such as the Mendota, Unimak, used to work NMH a lot, sending 5-letter coded groups, supplied to me by our 2 civilian Wx men, who used to send up balloons with a 'lil white box called a Rasond or something like that, which they
wud monitor on some kind of graph-machine. Sometimes it was tough getting thru to NMH, especially when u were in a fjord, so I used to hafta send it 'double' repeat, hoping they wud receive it. Had to crank up my old KW xmttr for that. So, so much for that...Just thought I'd give u a shout and let off some steam about the 'old days'. Thanks for listening... CU, Chuck ex RM3/c zut 1416
Hi Dave,
Great to meet you at the MARA meeting tonight. I want to thank you and Whitey for the Spark Gap Transmitter presentation. I really enjoyed it, especially being able to operate the Spark Gap Transmitter! It seems ironic in a way as I was one of the last ET Chiefs and the last EMO stationed in Marshfield at NMF prior to the receiver Operations being remotely controlled from Alexandria, VA - NMN. It was the second time I had been Stationed there, the first time in 1978 as an ET3 right out of ET "A" School. I remember going up the "Hill" several times to the mansion for barbecues and softball, and it must have been shortly after the new Receiver site had opened. I left there in 1982 as an ET2. I returned there as an ET1 in March 1993 and was Stationed at the Transmitter Site. Shortly after making ETC in Oct 1995, I went to Marshfield until the last of the Radiomen/Telecommunication Specialists were transferred in November of 1996 and then went back to Cape Cod and became the XPO. The Receiver Site remained Coast Guard property until sometime after my retirement from Commsta Boston on Cape Cod in Oct 1997. (You can see my short commentary on your link to Fred's place.)
I would be very interested in learning more about the NMF museum you are planning at the Receiver Site based on my 8+ years, and 2 tours of duty being Stationed between the two sites. I have QSL Cards from some of the Communications made through the years from, and to there. I was the only person apparently interested in them when the Station was being closed and the only Amateur Radio Operator there at the time, so of course I was interested in keeping them. There may be more Historic information at the Commsta Transmitter Site that was removed from the Receiver site. You may want to contact my friend ETCS Bruce MacIntire. He replaced me as XPO when I retired, and is now the Officer In Charge at Commsta Boston. He will know the whereabouts of any other Historic information that may be available for the Museum. Thanks again, and please keep in touch!
73 de Barry S. Kennedy - N1EZH (ETC - USCG - Ret)