Call me a Taxi..... OK
man, like your a taxi.....
It appears that 'Charlene' was the one and only aircraft taxi service to
be in
existence. We have got the real story, pictures, gossip from stories that
lingered but we don't have closure. Does anybody know what end she came to?
Jim O'Connell
Dave, This afternoon I received the following message from an old OAE- Jim
Waldron, re his R4D "Charlene" BuNo 17274. Jim thinks the Dakota
finished up as
a 'taxi" in the Antarctic, I am very interested, I know some background
material on #17274- but would like more. I was wondering if you
could contact-that massive list of OAE's, you have been contacting re the OAEs
ballot, seeking any information ?, re the taxi idea, any photos of #17274 in her
later days? how did she really finish up?, the last person to see her in the
Antarctic? etc etc, they could contact me at
my new address is 74a Norwood Street, Christchurch 2 New Zealand. [PO Box 10 268
Christchurch 2, New Zealand.
-----Original Message-----
Date: Monday, November 15, 1999 1:32 PM
Subject: Charlene the taxi machine
Hi Folks:
In the last few days I have received several messages
"Charlene", the one and only two engine ice taxi in the world. There
is a
bit of curiosity about this aircraft and perhaps I can shed a bit of light as to
what happened to that very dependable machine.
I first flew "Charlene" (Bureau No. 17274) on August 11, 1956, with
Frankiewicz as Aircraft Commander. It was my first experience in an R4D
cockpit since my primary flying experience since I left fighters in 1951 was
in helicopters. My first two R4D flights were quite memorable since on one
we were forced to land with the skis frozen in a down position and NAS Quonset
Point had to lay down foam on the grass to soften our landing. My second
flight in "Charlene" we took off with 18 JATOs firing. Our climb to
feet was extremely steep, much like driving a rocket.
"Charlene" was basically the same as the other three VX-6 R4Ds,
however, it
was the only one with Teflon covered skis. Teflon had a lower coefficient of
friction than the plastic coating on the skis of the other three R4Ds. When
we got to the Ice Lcdr. Frankiewicz tried to get his aircraft scheduled to
make the first South Pole landing, thinking that this lowered coefficient of
friction might spell the difference between a successful mission to the Pole
and one that might be a failure. His suggestion was ignored so there is no
proof that it would have gone better if his aircraft had been selected
instead of "Que Sera, Sera."
I flew the entire summer of 1956 in "Charlene" and it proved to be a
dependable aircraft in many ways and extremely sturdy. Of course we had a
great Maintenance Chief and that certainly made a difference.
At the end of the 1956 summer, when further flights were curtailed,
preparations were made to winterize and store all four R4Ds. One of the jobs
to be done was to dump the fuel loads on the aircraft. There was a dump
valve on the R4Ds that allowed dumping of all cabin loaded fuel. By opening a
switch in the cockpit the valve opened and the fuel from the two 400 gallon
tanks and the one 250 gallon tanks would fun out a pipe on the underside of
the aircraft in quick order. This dump valve system was installed in case
one engine failed in flight and the Aircraft Commander needed to reduce the
weight of the aircraft in order to continue in flight.
There is no answer as to what happened to "Charlene" when the fuel in
cabin tanks was emptied during winterization. The maintenance man who did
the dumping stated he closed the valve when he was finished dumping.
In any case when the summer of 1957 rolled around and the aircraft were
being readied for the second Antarctic summer, maintenance personnel discovered
that the dump valve was left open and the blowing snow during the winter
had entered the dump pipe under the fuselage and in time the 400 gallon fuel
tanks were filled with snow.
A week long effort was made to warm the internal fuel cells, letting the
melted snow run out on the surface of the snow. The engines were run for
many hours hoping all of the water had been removed from the fuel system,
however, some water had remained in the system causing several engine failures.
Two R4Ds departed Little America for McMurdo on September 3, 1957 to start
setting up the Beardmore facility for summer operations. The other squadron
aircraft didn't arrive from New Zealand for almost a month so these two R4Ds
were the only two operating aircraft on our half of the continent at that
On September 11, 1957 Lcdr Harvey Speed took off in "Charlene" and
Lcdr Bob
Anderson, with me as copilot, took off in Bureau No. 17246 on a flight to
the Beardmore Glacier. About an hour after leaving McMurdo the port engine on
"Charlene" suddenly quit. Lcdr Speed effected a single engine landing
on the
Ross Sea Ice Shelf. Bob Anderson landed alongside Harvey Speed's aircraft
and it was decided that Anderson should go back to get heaters to get
back in the air, so we flew back to McMurdo.
There we unloaded our cargo and loaded the heaters Harvey Speed's crew
needed. We then flew back to the downed aircraft and offloaded the needed
engine heaters. We took on some of the cargo in Harvey Speed's aircraft so
as to lighten his load.
After some time on the surface of the ice they got the port engine of
"Charlene" running again so without delay we both took off again
headed for McMurdo. A short time later the port engine on "Charlene" failed again
Harvey had to make another single engine landing.
Again the engine heaters were put to work and within a short while both
engines were running. Both aircraft took off again and the flight to McMurdo
was routine.
Back at McMurdo the maintenance crew worked overtime trying to dry out any
water remaining in fuel tanks and fuel lines. Everything possible was done
and when it appeared that the aircraft were both ready we put both aircraft
back on the flight schedule.
On September 13, 1957 we warmed up both aircraft together, however, Harvey
Speed left the flight line first and taxied "Charlene" to the end of
snow runway. I watched as he started his takeoff run and when he got airborne
about ten feet in the air the port engine quit. His port wing dropped
quickly and the wingtip started dragging in the snow. Harvey Speed quickly cut
starboard engine so he could get the aircraft level again. When he did this
the port engine came back to life suddenly and the starboard wingtip struck
the surface and dragged in the snow.
Harvey got both engines going with full power again and he staggered out
with the 6 foot port wingtip straight up in the air like a separate rudder. He
had to climb ahead because he had run out of runway. Harvey was unable to use
his ailerons because they had been frozen when the right wing struck the snow
surface, so he flew around the field using rudder only for directional
control. Being the outstanding pilot that he was, Harvey brought the damaged
aircraft back around to the snow runway and executed an excellent landing. I
don't know this to be a fact, but I believe that this was the last time
"Charlene", or BuNo 17274 ever flew.
There is one more episode in the "Charlene" odyssey. A few evenings
after the evening movie, a wind and snow storm came up around NAF McMurdo.
One of the ground crew in checking the two R4D found that they had broken
free from their tiedowns and had moved somewhat from where they had been
parked. He got a small crew together and they retied both aircraft. They
noted that "Charlene's" wingtip, which was broken had come untied and
flapping back and forth. Since they couldn't get it tied again in the strong
wind they reported the fact to Harvey Speed.
He located me and told me that the flapping wingtip was getting violent and
that he thought we (he and I) should go out with a stepladder and a hacksaw
to cut the wingtip free from the aircraft. He said it was too dangerous to
ask the maintenance crew to do the job and that we, as officers, should do
it instead. I agreed.
So with the ladder and hacksaw in hand we started out to the aircraft. The
blowing wind and snow was so blinding we had to walk to the aircraft with
only our internal sense of direction telling us the way. We spent much time
zigzagging back and forth until we practically walked into the side of the
R4D, not seeing it until the last second.
Harvey had me climb the tall stepladder and hold the wingtip down with the
weight of my body while he sawed away with the hacksaw. After a long period
of sawing, Harvey told me that he was almost finished cutting and that I
should hold on tightly as possible to the wingtip. Well, when the cutting
was done the 50 knots of wind that was blowing jerked the wingtip from my hands
as though I had not been holding it at all. The entire wingtip (6 ft. x 5 ft
approx.) disappeared downwind and we never saw it again.
Well, getting back to camp was a lot easier than finding the two aircraft
had been. All we had to do was walk with the wind to our backs and in a short
while we were back to the hill leading up to our quarters. Later, we flew
back to Little America in BuNo 17246 and picked up a replacement R4D and
returned to McMurdo to continue setting up Beardmore Camp for the summer
And that is all I know about "Charlene", however, I was told she later
became a taxi.
Best Wishes,
Jim Waldron
Did NAVAIR know about it and who would they let drive it?
Any NFOs of crewmen ever get the
wheel? Joe Hawkins
Yes,Joe, we really had that wonderful thing.. It was the plane (old R4D)
had been scratched from the records. No instruments, no radios everything
that could be taken out was taken out! Wings taken off at the joint out
board of the engines. She even ran on contaminated fuel!!!
In the cruise book for DF-60 in the section called "more R4D's"there
is a
picture of "Charlene" in all her glory. I drove her on her maiden
run with
Capt Munson, our skipper. I am the third figure from the left and Capt Munson
is the fourth.
Hope this helps clear up the question!! She was a good source of
transportation. Took about four or five minutes from Mac to Willy Field
The BUNO of Charlene was 17274 and she was no longer on the books as a
aircraft. The avgas had been written off also.
We just got in and loaded it up with Pax and firewalled the go handles.
the tail came up and I had rudder control we were off and running! Slowing
down and stopping was more trouble but we managed. We drove through the
about twenty feet off the roadway from Mac to Willy. Lots of fun to say
Buz Dryfoose
'Charlene' was not the first or only wingless bus. I told this group
yesterday that the Ausseys had been there, done that already.
Here are the facts: This plane was a Vickers with a 45 foot wingspan and
sent to Antarctica without wings for the purpose of being used as an air
tractor. What happened is that it was wrecked in Australia prior to the
deployment of Mawson's 1912 Antarctic expedition to Commonwealth Bay. Mawson
loaded it on the supply ship without wings to use for hauling supplies and
field parties. He figured that if Shackleton had a motor and Scott had
motorized sledges, so why not an air tractor. This flightless Bird was not as
successful as the one at McMurdo, possibly because of the rougher terrain
and worst weather conditions at commonwealth bay--really windy. The air
tractor broke down on a field party while towing four loaded sledges. The
station mechanic tinkered with the wingless aircraft for almost all of
The flightless bird stayed at Commonwealth Bay until it achieved it only real
flight in Antarctica--it was finally blown away by the katabatic winds.
The morale of this story is that Mawson only had a plane in the first place
for publicity purposes. He wanted to draw attention to his expedition in order
to raise funds. Aviation was almost an unknown in Australia at that time and
the plane was sure to gather crowds on the demonstration flights around the
country. However, the weather conditions at Commonwealth Bay would have made
flying a very risky, if not impossible business.