Gillespie is a news writer from Christchurch, New Zealand and has
been covering VX6 happenings since the 50s.
July 12 1999
As a free lance aviation writer, I have been covering the United
"Operation Deep Freeze' since the late 1950's, during this
time, their aviators carried out their tasks, on the frozen continent, often
going far
beyond the normal course of duty. Accommodating the harsh
weather, loneness
and isolation never ceased to amaze me. Their adaptability was
second nature to them, not gung-ho, but more 'barnstorming'.
This early Antarctic would have paralyzed normal men- yet as your
writer Guy Gugliotta's article last Thursday, under the Heading
Sick at South Pole. The expression given was that it was the Air
big moment, without having any background knowledge of these 44
years the US
Navy were involved.
While I do not, in any way, question the essence of the article,
and the
reason for the hazardous 14 hour non-stop 6,400-mile round trip
to assist
the unfortunate lady. Isolated for nine-months with 40 other
Science Foundation staff at the Amundsen-Scott base, who had
discovered a women's
worst nightmare- a lump on her breast.
I am disparaged against neither the Washington Post nor Guy
Gugliotta, but
after I received a torrent of e-mail messages from my many ex
Squadron friends, I thought it befitting that I set the record
Without being apologetic in any way, regarding the role that
early and not
so early naval aviators played in Antarctic.
Days before hi tech equipment, immediate rescue service and total
inaccessible isolation in the winter months, no matter now
serious the
situation or injury were the order of the day.
In 1955, the Neptune's and R5D'd [DC-4's] departed from
Christchurch, while
the R4D's [Dakotas] took off for the ice from Dunedin, some 200
further south, with the assistance of Jet Assisted Take-off
[JATO- each
plan having 18 attached to the underside of the aircraft. Each
rocket gave
around 1,000 pounds of forward thrust, with normal flight operation. The R4D's
maximum gloss take-off weight of 33,000 pounds.
On that first flight south, the R4D's encountered 20 knots
headwinds, which
was gobbling up the fuel at an unacceptable rate- it soon became
that, that along with the two Albatrosses were in serious
trouble. To make
the journey safety, the aircraft needed to maintain an average
ground speed
of 115 knots, with the headwinds; the aircraft reported ground
speeds of
only 105 knots.
They turned back to New Zealand, had they continued they would
have been
250 miles short of the McMurdo's ice runway, and certain
death.The 'point of no
return' is the point where there is no longer sufficient fuel for
aircraft to return to New Zealand. Five aircraft were lost in the
Antarctic during the
first year, including a helicopter fitted with additional
internal fuel tanks, the R4D's made it to Antarctica the
following year, "Deep Freeze II".
An example of these early naval pilot encounters was during the
LCDR "Gus " Shinn reported that he had lost control of
his gyro-stabilized
compass, the most important navigational equipment for Antarctic
without it, and no stars, the pilot could not steer his aircraft,
and could
wonder aimlessly until his fuel was gone- then a icy watery
grave. Just
ahead was Lt. Harvey Speed in another R4D in "Que. Sera
Sera" [the aircraft
later made aviation history by bring the first aircraft to land
at the
South Pole], who heroically revised his course and flew
northwards until he
picked up the disabled R4D on his radar. The two aircraft joined
up in the
dark, while Speed did the navigating for both. In doing so Speed
jeopardized his own aircraft. Since he had used up much needed
fuel to reach McMurdo, he ran the grave risk of a simple
navigational error, or if the weather was
bad on his arrival- could have spelled disaster.
Flashing through the pilot's minds as their R4D's left New
creeping along at 200 feet per second -what awaited them in
Antarctica. Getting their "Gooney Birds" off some unprepared ice' runway'
in some remote location
in -85 degrees, no runway light, no boundary markers, no signal
them were to land. Where the ice surfaces have been roughened by
winds, producing pattern in the snow called "Sastrugi".
The loneliest place in the world, would their engines fail? Would
skis freeze to the surface? would their landing gear survive the
However tragedy struck the squadron when a Neptune bomber-the
aircraft to arrive at McMurdo that year, crashed on landing
killing four
crew, including Maine Captain Raymond Hudman, the leader of the para rescue
team, and a survivor of another Neptune crash in the Venezuela
jungle en route to Antarctic to rescue a downed Otter earlier in the
Those early Antarctic Naval aviators recall stories like these a
times over. I would suggest Commander James Waldron's book
"Flight of the
Puckered Penguins" Waldron was co-pilot to Commander Eddie
R4D during 1956 and then promoted to the Squadron's executive
officer on the death of
David Carey, the pilot of the crashed Neptune.
His graphic accounts of life on the ice and flying around the
forbidden continent are a must read for all.
In all, 45 aircraft were lost between 1955 and 75- killing 55
mainly naval aviators.
The navy flew millions of miles within the frozen continent to
and from the
United States, via New Zealand. Not only the extreme cold at the
pole and
other Antarctic outposts, crippled the aircraft's hydraulics, but
froze the
fuel lines and froze the skis to the ice- all in a days work for
the navy.
As one VX-6er reminded me over the weekend, "Remember the
Starlifter to come to the 'ice' and made a fly by checking out
the runway,
before making the first landing, we wasn't sure they were going
to land or
not. And the other Air Force flight made the 'Ice" in the
60's, just flying
by, dropping mail and cargo and returned to New Zealand without
winds were too rough or something."
"Just think, what we had to do without any options
using C-121J's,
LC-130F/R's and LC/47/117 [R4D's]. Not landing was definitely not
optional decision. It was damn difficult to make drops and fly
bys, when
you just have enough fuel for a one way flight. "Visibility during the black winter nights is always a hazardous
just as 'white-outs' were during the season. Who ever said the
weather or the continent was 'friendly' to any visitors."
"Down there, very bad things could happen on the best of
days, as many of us
knew, every individual must keep his head - on right, and be
aware of
potential hazards constantly"
Just like on the deck of an aircraft carrier, neither the sea nor
Antarctic is very forgiving.
There is definitely a different 'mind set' between Naval pilots
and their
crews and the Air Force.
Landing in a COD, helicopter, jet or whatever, on the deck of a
carrier requires nerves of steel and a solid 'can do' mind set.
This is
just the mind set, which had made VX-6 /VXE-6, so successful
during its
existence in the Antarctic.
What a heritage. Up until the Squadron was decommissioned at Air
Station Point Mugu, California earlier this year, they were
stationed in
Christchurch, New Zealand for 44 years. ( P. Panehal )
The words of a VX-6 pilot - a naval reservist on active duty in
the coldest
place on each, are a fitting tribute to members of this unique
unit-the Antarctica Development Squadron Six. "Flying here is
different than
anywhere else on earth. It is also an opportunity for an aviator
to go
where no man has gone before and few will get the chance. There
is also a
great tradition associated with the aviators who have served
In an interview with Lt. Col Richard Saburro of the New York Air
Guard's 107 Airlift Wing, Detachment 13, and now Commander of
Deep Freeze"
with this writer last year, was full of praise for the US Navy'
"They blazed the trails, they were the pioneers of
Antarctica, opening up
the continent to exploration to today's more routine logistic
operation -
if one could describe Antarctic flying As routine. They remind me
of the
American westward movement. Covered wagons with trails turning
into dirt
roads paved highways with gas station and fast food outlets"
he said.
During this time three mid winter flights into Antarctica,
ski-equipped C-130 Hercules, the first of these was in April
1961, to
rescue a seriously ill Russian scientist and many rescues of
downed aviators and
working scientist on the continent.
The 62nd Airlift Wing's C-141 Starlifter, from McCord Air Force
Tacoma, and Boeing KC-10 tanker jet took off from Christchurch
International Airport at 10pm Sunday [New Zealand time], the
hearts of all
New Zealanders going out to the crews with 25 personnel aboard.
Flying out
on the mercy mission, 3200 miles away to the center of the
continent in sub zero conditions and pitch darkness- but spare a
for the brave United States Naval aviator, who, without them and
those who
gave their lives- this mission to enable the Englewood employee
to have a
x-ray and biopsy, would not be possible.
The flight was made possible with in-flight refueling,
about five hours
into its mission.
The aircrew had to locate the parachute drop-zone in the dark and
cold of the polar winter, and shove the valuable cargo on pallets
, packed
with the live saving equipment along with fresh vegetable, fruit
and mail,
out the side door, before dropping fuel levels had forced
the C-141 to
head back to Christchurch or South America.
The C-141 skimmed the frozen continent twice just 250 meters from
the ice
The drop was made at 5.10 pm Sunday [New Zealand time] in
averaging minus 67 degrees.
The crew wore specially made protective clothes to protect them
against the
freezing temperatures and oxygen mask to protect them against the
Polar air- the South Pole is 3000 metres above sea level. Lt. Col. Richard Saburro said the pallets were marked with strobe
chemical lights to assist the South Pole NSF Staff to find them. While the runway was illuminated by a half-circle of flaming
barrels to
guide the air crew. A method used by the Navy since the late
In the dead of night at the South Pole station, now in constant
until October, with temperatures as low as 73 below zero and
winds blowing at 95 km, the aircraft could not land at the Pole.
Only the C-130 , and previously R4D's and on occasions the
built Globemasters could land at the pole .
Mission complete, as the crew brought the Starlifter back to
late last evening [New Zealand time]
A double crew was taken with a doctor in case hypothermia was
by the crew.
Great show -first class flight by the crew of the United States
Air Force's